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Tips to hack your move
April 02, 2019

Tips to hack your move

Sometimes your move will require some inventiveness to accomplish on time, and on budget. Here are some ideas for hacking your move to save you some time and money.

Packing fragile items

Take advantage of the soft things that might otherwise go in to other boxes. Blankets, stuffed animals, and even socks and towels can be used. The socks are great for small gaps in your boxes. Tape mirrors and glass on frames to help absorb shocks. And use styrofoam plates between your breakable ones to keep them in great shape.

Hanging clothes

The best option for your closets are wardrobe boxes. They can usually hold about 3 ft of closest space per box.

For a tight budget, place a garbage bag over your clothes still on the hangers, and wrap them around the hanger.

Box labeling strategy

You're going to be stacking those boxes to save floor space. So don't just label the tops! Write on at least one side as well so you don't have to unstack them to find out whats there. Unless you like a good treasure hunt...

Be sure you label what room the box is from. This will help your friends, family or professional move team know where things go without needing to ask you about every box.

Keep your essential items close by

There are some things you know you will need right until you finish loading, and when you start your unload. Add these items to a "Day of Move Box" and make sure it goes in your car, or on the truck last.

  • Box cutter
  • Toilet paper
  • Paper towels
  • Eating utensils
  • Toiletries
  • Can coozie